I have chosen the film Shutter Island as a meaningful film for study. The film revolves around a man named Teddy who visits an institute for the criminally insane to find a missing patient, however as the film goes on you start too doubt the real reasons why he has been sent to the island. Many complex issues are uncovered and he is told that he has actually been a patient at the institute for 2 years and him being a Marshall was just a fantasy created in his head. The film ends with him being walked off to be lobotomised. The film leaves you confused as too what was the truth, whether he actually was a Marshall and the doctors were lying too him or if he was actually a patient as they said. The film is much more complex and detailed than the brief summary I just made but I cannot go into the detail as this is only a short review.

The films themes are hide too define, it touches on
the theme of identity because we are unsure about whom the character actually
is, but it also has a strong deceit orientated theme as you don’t know who too
trust at the end of the film. The main character “Teddy” could have been
deceiving us all film or the doctors could have been deceiving him. If “Teddy’s”
theory was correct then the government were also deceiving inmates and the
public about what happens on certain areas of the island. Any of these themes
can be explored in extensive detail, making it a good film to study.

In conclusion I feel the general complexity of this
film would make it very good to study, it ticks all of the correct boxes of
what is required by a thriller but also gives so many possible areas to study. I
would recommend the film to anybody but would recommend you watch it on your
own as it is easy to get lost as to what is happening.
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